
  1. Tabs3 prices shown are for 39 timekeeper products which accommodate 30-39 timekeepers.
  2. PracticeMaster is Multi-User and integrates with Single User and Multi-User Tabs3 Financial products.
  3. Add fees, costs, and more from your phone or tablet through Tabs3 Connect. Purchase a Tabs3 Connect subscription for about $5 per month per user (billed
    annually). Firms with Platinum versions of both Tabs3 Billing and PracticeMaster receive one user of Tabs3 Connect for every PracticeMaster user on maintenance.
  4. Platinum software is the highest level of Tabs3 and PracticeMaster software. It includes report accelerators, HotBackup, Tabs3 Connect for access from your
    phone, and more. (Platinum Software Information). Platinum Tabs3 and PracticeMaster software requires the Platinum Server Software. We’ve estimated the level of Platinum Server Software you require based on the number of timekeepers, users, and products you have selected above. We also offer Platinum SQL as an optional upgrade to Platinum. It is designed to use 64-bit server capabilities for faster data queries and allows access to Tabs3 and PracticeMaster from Microsoft SQL servers.
  5. ODBC driver pricing shown is per node / workstation.