Tabs3 Transporter - Timeslips Data Conversion Utility

Last reviewed: 02/28/2024
Article ID: R11476

The information in this article applies to:

Click here for a special offer for Timeslips users.

Note: Tabs3 Transporter cannot be used to convert Timeslips to Tabs3 Billing Version 2021 or earlier. Please call us regarding available options if you need to convert to an earlier version of Tabs3 Billing.

Note: Please contact us regarding available options if you need to convert from a version of Timeslips prior to Version 10. Visit to obtain a conversion estimate.


Tabs3 Transporter is a conversion utility developed by Tabs3 Software. This utility is used to perform a one-time conversion when a firm is switching from using Timeslips to Tabs3 Billing for their time and billing software. Once the data is converted to Tabs3 Billing, the firm will no longer use Timeslips.

The data converted from Timeslips includes:

This article will discuss the features and benefits of Tabs3 Transporter, as well as answer some of the common questions about the conversion.

Tabs3 Transporter Features

Tabs3 Transporter includes the following features:

Note: The Tabs3 Transporter will overwrite any existing Tabs3 Billing data. Multiple sets of Timeslips data cannot be converted into a single set of Tabs3 Billing data.

Note: Timeslips data can be converted using a Version 2022 or later Tabs3 Billing Trial Version. However, keep in mind that trial versions function like a full-user version but with minor limitations.  

Download Information & Instructions

The Tabs3 Transporter utility for Version 2022 and later can optionally be installed from the standard Tabs3 Software Installer.

Click here for the Tabs3 Transporter instructions.

Converting Timeslips Data to Tabs3 Billing

Tabs3 Transporter converts the Timeslips data into the following Tabs3 Billing data files:


Tabs3 Transporter allows you to map the Timeslips timekeeper number to the desired Tabs3 Billing timekeeper number. The available range depends on the Timekeeper Limit of the Tabs3 Billing license purchased. All Timeslips timekeepers must be assigned to a Tabs3 Billing timekeeper number. More than one Timeslips timekeeper number can be mapped to the same Tabs3 Billing timekeeper number, which is useful when converting former timekeepers. Using the same timekeeper number will combine records during the conversion. Tabs3 Transporter lets you specify whether Nickname 1, Nickname 2, or Full Name will be used for the Tabs3 Billing timekeeper name. The timekeeper number, name, initials, level, and first six rates are converted. Timekeepers are listed in Tabs3 Transporter in the order that they were entered into Timeslips.

Note: Make sure you purchase a Tabs3 Billing license with an adequate number of timekeepers. You must map each Timeslips timekeeper number to a Tabs3 Billing timekeeper number, even if they are timekeepers that are no longer used. Although you can combine timekeepers, you want to make sure you have at least one extra timekeeper number for the combined timekeepers. You will also want to consider short term growth. As a work-around, if you have more Timeslips timekeepers than you want to retain in Tabs3 Billing and you don't have an extra timekeeper in Tabs3 Billing to use for the combined timekeepers, one option to consider is purging the timekeeper in Timeslips before converting to Tabs3 Billing. To do this, you must first mark the timekeeper as Closed in Timeslips. You can then use their Purge option to purge the closed timekeeper. Be aware that all slips and transactions are purged along with the timekeeper. Refer to your Timeslips documentation for details regarding what information is deleted.

Note: A user and contact record will also be created for each Timeslips timekeeper. See KB Article R11890, "All About the Conversion of Contact Information" for information regarding how timekeepers are converted to users and contacts.

Timekeeper Levels

Tabs3 Transporter converts the first 8 Employee Titles in Timeslips to Timekeeper Levels in Tabs3 Billing. Timekeepers assigned to any of the other 22 possible levels in Timeslips will be converted to Tabs3 Billing Timekeeper Level #9, which will be labeled as "All Other TS Titles".


Timeslips does not have an equivalent field that can be converted into a Tabs3 Billing category field, so a generic category with a description of "Only Tabs3 Category" will be converted for all clients. Tabs3 Billing uses categories to generate productivity reports by category of work (i.e., corporate, real estate, trust administration, etc.). The category is assigned to each client in the Tabs3 Billing Client Information window and can be changed at any time.

Transaction Codes

Tabs3 Transporter converts the Timeslips Task List to Tabs3 Billing fee transaction codes, and likewise converts the Timeslips Expense List to Tabs3 Billing advance transaction codes. Tcode numbers are automatically assigned and can be renumbered after the conversion as desired. The alpha code uses the first 3 letters from the Name field, with duplicates handled by taking just the first 2 letters and incrementing a number.

Task Codes & Task Code Sets

Tabs3 Transporter provides the option to create task codes in Tabs3 Billing. If you elect to create phase, task, and activity codes in Tabs3 Billing, you can specify which field from the task list will be used to create the Task Code ID:  Nickname 1 or Nickname 2. If you create task codes, Task Code Sets will be created based on the value of the first character, or first and second characters. For example, if "L120" and "FC23" are found during the conversion, then the Task Code Sets of "L" and "FC" will be created. You will need to edit the Task Code Set description after the conversion. If you elect not to create phase, task, and activity codes, then clients will not be converted as task-based billing clients, nor will transactions be converted with phase, task, or activity codes.

Cost Types

Timeslips uses categories for grouping similar tcodes together. For example, a variety of miscellaneous office charges such as photocopies, staples, and paper may all be grouped together as "Office supplies." Tabs3 Transporter will use their category list to create Cost Types that are then assigned to each tcode it creates.

Billing Frequencies

When Tabs3 Billing is installed, a "Monthly Clients" Billing Frequency is created. Tabs3 Transporter uses the custom Timeslips Billing Cycle field to populate the Tabs3 Billing Billing Frequency file, if it exists.

Client Information

Client information is converted as follows:

Accounts Receivable

Tabs3 Transporter converts accounts receivable balances. Tabs3 Transporter also provides the option to skip the conversion of accounts receivable. Balances are broken down by aging period, fees, advances, working timekeeper, and cost type.


Tabs3 Transporter converts work-in-process transactions. Tabs3 Transporter also provides the option to skip the conversion of work-in-process transactions. If selected, all unbilled slips from Timeslips will be converted including fees, costs, and payments. All costs are converted as advances. Timeslips Bill Codes are converted as follows:  Billable and Override are converted to Tabs3 Billing as Billable/Printable; Do Not Bill is converted as Non-billable/Non-printable; and No Charge is converted as Non-Billable/Printable.

Payment Note: Timeslips does not assign a tcode to payment transactions; therefore Tabs3 Transporter will create a regular payment tcode and assign that tcode to any work-in-process payments.

Transfer and Refund Note: Transfers and refunds in Timeslips are reported differently in Tabs3 Billing. Although the transactions are handled differently between Timeslips and Tabs3 Billing, the balances will match, and any discrepancies will be noted in the Conversion Log. However, transfer to funds transactions will cause discrepancies as Funds are not converted to Tabs3 Billing.

Archived Transactions

Tabs3 Transporter creates archived transactions from Timeslips billed transactions if you elect to convert accounts receivable information.

Note: The Transaction File List in Tabs3 Billing will accurately reflect archived transactions. However, you will not be able to reprint or undo updated statements in Tabs3 Billing for any Timeslips converted statements or transactions.

Note: If the Invoice Date field of an archived transaction falls outside the range of valid dates (i.e., before 01/01/1970 or after 12/31/2069), it will be adjusted to the closest valid date. If the date is invalid for any other reason (e.g., formatting), the date of the conversion will be used instead.

Text Macros

Tabs3 Transporter converts Timeslips abbreviations to Tabs3 Billing text macros. Only database abbreviations will be converted; personal abbreviations will not be converted. Bold, italics, and underline formatting will be converted. Prompt information within abbreviations is converted as plain text.

Firm Information

Tabs3 Transporter converts the following Timeslips firm information: Name, Address Line 1, Address Line 2, City, State, Zip, Phone 1, and Fax 1.

Timekeeper/Client Terminology

Tabs3 Transporter uses the Client and Timekeeper terminology defined in Timeslips.

Aging Periods

Tabs3 Transporter converts the first five aging periods from Timeslips six aging periods.

Email Templates

Tabs3 Transporter converts Timeslips email templates. The name, subject, and body fields are converted. However, you will need to edit the From Name and From Address fields in the Tabs3 Billing email template, which are required fields, before they can be used. Additionally, an Email Template must be specified as the default for new clients.


Timeslips data must be of good integrity without errors or corruption. Tabs3 Transporter cannot repair corrupted Timeslips data. 

Tabs3 Transporter converts the Timeslips data only as stated in this document. Anything above and beyond what is stated in this document will not be converted and may require a custom conversion.  The following list includes examples of what is not converted:

Custom Conversion

Tabs3 Transporter is a robust conversion utility and generally meets the needs of most firms. However, not all data is converted; Tabs3 Transporter converts the Timeslips data only as stated in this document.

If your firm has specific requirements that require a custom conversion of your Timeslips data to Tabs3 Billing, Tabs3 Software has a Conversion Programming Department that specializes in custom data conversions to Tabs3 Billing for a fee. The Conversion Programming Department can customize the conversion in order to more closely match the conditions required by your firm.

If you're interested in getting your data converted, contact us at 402-419-2210 or fill out the request form and we'll have a member of our Conversion Team contact you.

Frequently Asked Questions

General Conversion Questions

What things do I need to be aware of before converting from Timeslips to Tabs3 Billing using the Tabs3 Transporter?
  1. Verify what version of Timeslips you will be converting from. Make sure that Tabs3 Transporter supports this version.
  2. The Tabs3 Transporter requires a working copy of Timeslips to convert from, not just the data files.
  3. Both the Timeslips and Tabs3 Billing software must be installed on the same computer.
  4. The Tabs3 Transporter is a one-time only conversion to a new Tabs3 Billing installation. Attempting to convert after data has been entered in Tabs3 Billing will result in all existing data being deleted. If you have existing Tabs3 Billing, PracticeMaster, or Trust data, contact Tabs3 Support for assistance.
  5. Tabs3 Transporter converts firm information, customization options, client matters, contact records, timekeepers, timekeeper levels, transaction codes, cost types, accounts receivable (A/R), and work-in-process (WIP) transactions.
Can I use the Tabs3 Transporter if I already have existing Tabs3 Billing, PracticeMaster, or Tabs3 Trust Accounting data?
No, the Tabs3 Transporter is meant to be used with a fresh install of Tabs3 Billing only. If you have an existing Tabs3 Billing, PracticeMaster, or Tabs3 Trust Accounting (Trust) installation, you must contact our Support Department because these conversion instructions will not work for you.
Are Timeslips entries marked as "hold" converted into Tabs3 Billing?
Yes, they are converted into Tabs3 Billing with a "hold" status.
How are the Timeslips custom fields converted?
The User, Resp_Atty, Billing Atty, Orig Atty, or Sup Attorney field (if present), is converted to the Tabs3 Billing client's Primary, Secondary, or Originating timekeeper fields, as specified in the Clients field mapping section of KB Article R11475, "Tabs3 Transporter Technical Information." If none of these fields have specified values, all clients will be converted with Timekeeper 1 as the Primary, Secondary and Originating timekeeper fields.
The Date Opened, Opened, or Inception Date field (if present) is converted to the Tabs3 Billing client's Date Opened field. If one of these fields is not included, the system date will be used for the Date Opened field.
The Closed field (if present) is converted to the Tabs3 Billing Date Closed, if the client is closed in Timeslips. If this field is not included, the system date will be used for the Date Closed field. If the client is not closed in Timeslips, this field will not be converted.

The Billing Cycle field (if present) is converted to the Billing Frequency file in Tabs3 Billing. Additionally, a Monthly billing frequency is installed along with Tabs3 Billing. If the Billing Cycle field is not present, all clients will be converted with a Monthly Billing Frequency.
All other custom fields in the Client file are converted to Tabs3 Billing Custom fields in the order they are encountered. Only the field label and value are converted.
Do I have to use the Tabs3 Billing Alpha Key Type when converting?
No, Tabs3 Transporter does not require that Tabs3 Billing be configured to use the Alpha Key Type. Using a Numeric Key Type is recommended, and Tabs3 Transporter facilitates this by allowing you to automatically number your clients during the conversion.
Can I convert Tabs3 Billing data to Timeslips?
We do not provide support for converting Tabs3 Billing data to Timeslips.
What data is converted into Tabs3 Billing?
This information is detailed in the What is Converted into Tabs3 Billing section in the Tabs3 Transporter for Timeslips Conversion Instructions.
Can I reprint statements created in Timeslips after converting?
The Transaction File List in Tabs3 Billing will accurately track archived transactions converted from Timeslips; however, it is not possible to reprint or undo statements or transactions converted from Timeslips. Statements that need to be reprinted after the conversion must be reprinted within Timeslips.
When mapping my timekeepers, some are showing as (undefined). What does this mean?
If the field selected on the Timekeeper panel (i.e., Nickname 2 or Full Name) is blank in Timeslips, the Timeslips Timekeeper column will display (undefined) for that Timekeeper. If you continue with the conversion, the Tabs3 Billing Timekeeper record will not have a name. To convert these timekeeper records with information, click Back and specify a different field, or cancel the conversion and correct the records in Timeslips, then rerun the conversion.
Why were more email templates converted than appear in Timeslips?
Timeslips can configure email templates per aging period, but only displays the templates for the aging periods that are being used. Tabs3 Transporter converts all email templates, even if they are not currently being used.
Can I convert my Timeslips data to Tabs3 Trial Software?
Yes, Tabs3 Transporter works with Tabs3 Trial Software! That means you can see exactly how your data will convert before you decide to purchase a software license. See KB Article R10341, "Trial Software Information & Limitations" for more information on our Trial Software.
What statement templates are assigned to each matter in Tabs3 Billing?
"Draft" and "Final" statement templates are added during the conversion and assigned as each matter's Draft Template and Final Template on the Statement Options tab of the Client Information window. These templates are based on the "Draft" and "Final" templates included with Tabs3 Billing starter data. See KB Article R10906, "Starter Data," for more information on Tabs3 Software starter data.


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