A Guide for Lawyers Working From Home: What You Need to Know

Remote working is not the same buzzword it was back in 2020 or 2021. Today, remote working has become an accepted and embraced part of the professional landscape.

16% of companies are fully remote and 51% have adopted hybrid work for their employees. There are now three times more remote jobs than there were in 2020. 98% of remote employees want to continue working remotely indefinitely.

But how is remote work playing out for law firms? The legal industry has long been slower to adopt trends and tends to take more conservative perspectives on workplace culture. Still, where does that leave us today? How has the landscape changed and what can your law firm do to make the right choices for how your practice operates?

Here’s what lawyers need to know about how they can most effectively work remotely and from home.

Can lawyers work from home?

Although it used to be less common, more law firms are embracing remote work models and giving attorneys the freedom to work from home. The transition to remote work within the legal profession has unfolded against a backdrop of necessity and evolving workplace expectations, clearly demonstrating that lawyers can effectively work from home. This capability has transformed not only where legal work can be done but also how law firms envision the structure and delivery of their services. Remote work, once a novel concept, has become a mainstay in the legal sector, signifying a permanent shift towards more flexible and digitalized working arrangements.

In fact, lawyers, like the majority of the working population, have embraced remote work. In an ABA report, the vast majority of attorneys (87%) stated their workplaces permitted remote work. A third of respondents stated that they primarily worked from home, but, intriguingly, another third of respondents stated they worked primarily in their office.

Attorneys who work remotely or on a hybrid basis reported that neither the quality of their work nor productivity nor billable hours have been negatively affected by their working arrangements. Women in particular stated they benefited from remote and hybrid work, as it helped them balance work and family responsibilities. So, the question is no longer whether lawyers can work from home, but how can they do so most efficiently.

Leveraging technology for remote legal work

Legal tech has helped bridge the gap between office work and work out of the office. In 2021, legal tech generated $27.6 billion in revenue worldwide and the market is forecasted to expand by over 4% annually through 2027.

While the drivers of the legal tech industry are complex and can’t be solely attributed to remote work, it has doubtlessly benefited from the development and expansion of tools used to power remote legal work. Tools that law firms rely on to work remotely include:

  • Video conferencing software
  • Communication tools such as messaging apps
  • File-sharing and eSignature tools
  • Cloud-based storage

Even tools that aren’t tied directly to remote work have thrived in the remote work environment.

Document automation, project and case management software, and online payment options have become more powerful, allowing lawyers to streamline their workflows and maximize productivity. What’s more, an increasing number of these tools are being built into legal practice management software, creating a more seamless experience for lawyers as they conduct their work.

Collaboration can happen easily (without compliance risks)

Tools like those detailed above have made working on legal matters between coworkers easy. Colleagues can use project management software to ensure everyone is on the same page with progress on legal matters. File-sharing makes it simple to exchange documents. Video conferencing allows attorneys, legal staff, and clients to meet regardless of location.

But can they do so and stay in line with legal compliance requirements?

Compliance questions need to be considered in all aspects of legal practice, but they have borne particular concern as law firms shift into remote work. That’s because the protocol for maintaining security for client information requires calibration.

Thankfully, with the right tools and policies, attorneys can strictly adhere to legal compliance standards.

Take, for example, implementing eSignature software to finalize critical legal documents. eSignature is not only recognized as legally valid but when practice management software, such as Tabs3, integrates with a legal-specific eSignature like LexSign, client data is protected by bank-level end-to-end encryption.

Client preference plays a big role in how remote work plays out

The client experience factors into how law firms consider remote work options for their practice. But which way is the wind blowing?

The answer is nuanced. While there is variation based on practice area, client demographics, and stage of a legal matter, many clients indicate that they prefer in-person meetings with attorneys during the initial stages of legal matters. However, they often prefer to receive updates through other forms of communication (phone, email, client portal, etc.) rather than coming into the office for a meeting.

Importantly, a 2021 survey by Thomson Reuters indicates that clients have not perceived a negative impact in their experience with their attorneys working remotely.

Tips for lawyers working remotely

Regardless of how your law firm proceeds with its own approach to remote work, there are steps you can take to make it more successful for your attorneys. Follow the tips below to make working from home (or wherever your attorneys choose to open up their laptops) as successful as possible.

Establish a clear remote work policy—or ask for one

Inconsistent policies about how often your attorneys can work remotely and how they are expected to conduct their work cause stress, confusion, and decreased productivity. Clear, consistently implemented policies, on the other hand, give your team confidence and empower them to do their best work.

A robust remote work policy should cover the following concerns:

  • Which team members can work remotely and how often
  • Working hours
  • Expectations for timekeeping
  • Communication guidelines
  • Technology usage
  • Security and compliance protocols

Keep your tech stack up to date

The early days of remote working are gone. It’s not reasonable to expect attorneys to cobble together software and tools so they can do their jobs remotely.

Instead, attorneys expect that their employers have considered all the resources and guidance they need to successfully do their job out-of-the-office. That means your legal tech stack needs to be configured for attorneys and staff who are not in the office.

One of the most significant pieces of this consideration is legal practice management software. While the early days of the pandemic saw a boom in cloud-based software, desktop software has caught up by establishing efficient, effective processes to allow remote workers to access their software from anywhere.

With secure access to fully integrated law firm practice management software, attorneys can complete their most common tasks from home, including:

  • Billing and invoicing
  • Time tracking
  • Planning and setting appointments
  • Sending and receiving secure emails, legal documents, eSignatures, and more
  • Managing progress of legal matters
  • Compliant legal accounting
  • And more

While it is possible to build out a solid tech stack for your law firm by combining different tools, your team may benefit from a comprehensive practice management system that combines all the tools they need.

Tabs3 has been an industry leader in on-premise practice management software for decades. But for Tabs3 users, desktop software doesn’t mean being confined to your desk. With Tabs3 Cloud, you can access all the features of Tabs3 Billing and Financials from wherever you work. For mobile users, Tabs3 Connect brings the full functionalities of Tabs3 Billing and PracticeMaster to your phone. You also get access to features like HotBackUp, Auto-Recovery, and more.

Security needs to be a priority

Security threats have been on the rise since before the pandemic, but the remote work boom kicked them into high gear. As a legal professional, you need to ensure the highest degree of security possible for your team and your clients. Steps you should take include:

  • Provide privacy and security training for all attorneys and legal staff
  • Limit access to sensitive data in your practice management system
  • Assess your cybersecurity protocols
  • Work with your IT professionals to ensure they have the appropriate certifications to protect your server

Remote work + Tabs3 is a winning combination for law firms

Remote work with Tabs3 Software is secure, compliant, convenient, and accessible. With more than 40 years of experience offering cutting-edge legal technology to law firms, we’re dedicated to following even the industry’s strictest compliance and data security regulations while offering attorneys a flexible working experience.

Check out the Tabs3 Cloud and Tabs3 Connect product pages to learn more about what each has to offer.

Request your free trial or schedule a demo to see how Tabs3 Software’s fully integrated suite of software products can revolutionize the way your law firm functions on a day-to-day basis, whether remotely or in the office.

How to Choose the Best Law Practice Management Software
From client management tools to knowledge bases, accounting programs, and time-tracking methods, your law firm has plenty of software options to choose from.

But do they create more challenges than they solve? Patching together different and sometimes outdated software can take a significant toll on a firm’s organizational efficiency, productivity, quality of service, and even profitability.

A reliable, integrated practice management software helps your law firm:

  • Organize and execute matter-related workflows more efficiently
  • Better capture and invoice for billable hours
  • Increase transparency and accountability among team members
  • Provide a more consistent level of service to your clients

There are dozens of practice management solutions on the market. How do you pick the right one for your firm to invest in? This blog post will guide you through the essential factors to consider in selecting the best legal practice management software to meet your firm’s needs.

What is legal practice management software?

Legal practice management software is a comprehensive tool that facilitates the smooth operation of law firms. It integrates various functions such as case and client management, document handling, billing, time tracking, and calendaring into a single platform. This software simplifies the management of case details, appointments, and documents, enabling legal professionals to focus on delivering quality service.

By consolidating these functionalities, the best law practice management software serves as an indispensable asset in enhancing a law firm’s efficiency, reducing errors, and improving service delivery.

Benefits of legal practice management software

Your law firm likely already uses certain software for time tracking, billing, and other aspects of matter management, so you may be wondering whether legal practice management software is a worthwhile investment for your firm.

Although your software needs will depend on how big your firm is and what practice areas you work in, there are a number of reasons why an integrated practice management software can serve as a worthwhile investment for nearly any practice.

The right practice management tools can help your law firm:

  • Consolidate knowledge bases to increase efficiency and ensure consistency across matters
  • Track billable hours more effectively and send more accurate invoices
  • Increase billable hours by freeing up more time for your attorneys
  • Better delegate tasks and facilitate easier communication and collaboration between team members
  • Avoid costly mistakes, compliance violations, and billing errors

Taken together, these advantages can more than justify the cost of investing in an integrated practice management software.

Essential questions to ask for choosing the right practice management software

Once you’ve decided that practice management software is right for your firm, the next step is to choose the best software for your practice’s needs. As you make that decision, there are a number of questions to consider.

Is the software cloud-based or on-premises?

One of the first and most important decisions you should make is whether you want software that is stored locally or in the cloud.

Cloud-based software offers your attorneys greater flexibility in choosing where they work since your practice management tools will be accessible from anywhere. They can also cut down on IT issues for your team and protect you against the possibility of data loss in the event of sudden hardware failure.

But cloud-based practice management tools also come with certain drawbacks. Since they rely on access to the cloud provider’s network, they may not be available if you lose access to the internet. They also present possible security concerns since your firm’s data will have to pass through the software provider and won’t be stored locally on-site.

By contrast, on-premises practice management software offers you a higher level of data security, which may be especially important if some of your clients restrict their data from being stored in the cloud.

Ultimately, the best choice for your firm will depend on your practice area, data security needs, and whether or not your attorneys need the option to work from home. For added flexibility, you can also look for practice management software that supports both on-premises and cloud-based usage.

Read more: On-Premises vs Cloud vs Hosted Solutions: The Ultimate Legal Software Guide for Law Firms

What integrations does the software offer?

A good practice management software should integrate with the other software tools you use every day. Otherwise, you’ll still find yourself switching tabs and windows throughout the day, and your firm’s data will still be stored in multiple discrete locations, increasing the chances of inconsistencies and errors.

In particular, you may want to look for software that integrates with your attorney’s email accounts and Office 365, so you can more easily generate, manage, and send matter-related documents.

What security features does the software include?

Your practice management software will be responsible for handling sensitive client data, and you’ll want to make sure whatever software you choose keeps this information secure.

If the software you’re considering is cloud-based, you should ask what the company does to ensure the security of data stored in the cloud. You should also look for software that allows you to set customized user restrictions, so you can place important limits on who has access to what data.

Is the software designed specifically for law firms?

There are many popular practice management tools on the market that serve as generalized “jacks-of-all-trades.” While these software options are perfectly fine in other professional contexts, law firms will usually find better value in a practice management tool specifically designed with legal practices in mind.

A practice management software built for law firms will include invoicing, billing, document assembly, and matter management features that are fine-tuned to meet the specific needs of busy attorneys, as well as industry-specific capabilities such as conflict of interest searches and trust accounting tools.

Does the software have the features we need?

This is perhaps the most important consideration of all.

A prospective legal practice management solution should offer a wide range of easy-to-use features that streamline your law firm’s workloads and free up more time for your attorneys. Here are a few important features to look for.

Calendars and matter management tools

A legal practice management software should make it easy to sort, track, and manage matters from client intake through to invoicing and payment. It should also come with an integrated calendar so you can keep scheduling clear and transparent for everyone at your firm.

Document assembly and management

The right software should also allow you to effortlessly import, export, file, and find all of your firm’s documents, even when creating those documents in another software like Microsoft Word or Excel.

Some practice management tools even include document assembly capabilities that allow you to quickly and automatically populate the fields in common legal documents.

Time tracking and billing

Integrated timers are another key feature that allows your attorneys to easily track their time from within your practice management software. And when it comes time to bill for those hours, your attorneys will also benefit from software with time-saving billing and invoicing capabilities.

Conflict checking

One of the biggest advantages of choosing software that’s specific to law firms is the availability of conflict-checking tools.

The software you choose should include robust search tools that allow you to instantly see potential conflicts of interest, helping you stay within compliance regulations and protecting your firm’s reputation.

Options for remote work

If members of your team travel frequently, work from home, or sometimes do their work on the go, you may want to look for a practice management system that allows them to work from mobile devices or access the software remotely from home computers.

However, you should always be sure that the software provider has sufficient security measures in place before you invest in software tools that allow for remote access.

Get started with Tabs3

Tabs3 Software offers industry-leading software solutions designed specifically to meet the needs of law firms. Our mission is to provide legal practices with a wide range of reliable practice management, billing, and accounting tools. We offer both cloud-based and on-premises practice management software solutions, all feature data security and are designed to cater to the diverse needs of modern legal practices. Whether your firm prioritizes the flexibility and accessibility of cloud-based software or prefers  the control of on-premises solutions, Tabs3 has you covered.

To see why tens of thousands of legal professionals choose to trust our software, schedule a demo or sign up for a free trial.

Law Firm Billing Procedures: 10 Best Practices to Follow

An unwieldy billing process can eat into one of a law firm’s most valuable assets: time. Attorneys know this, but changing office workflows requires planning and is best accomplished through manageable steps.

As a leader in legal practice management software, Tabs3 understands the importance of optimizing law firm billing procedures to create a streamlined experience for attorneys and their clients. In this guide, we dive into strategies to enhance your law firm’s billing process, ensuring both effectiveness and client satisfaction.

1. Track your time

The precision of time tracking directly influences the accuracy and fairness of billing. It’s not just about recording time; it’s about understanding the value of each minute spent on a client’s case. If you track your time, it’s easier to estimate how long tasks take, determine effective billing rates, and evaluate profitability. Firms should foster a culture where consistent time tracking is the norm. Attorneys and support staff should be trained to capture every billable moment as this accuracy benefits both the firm and the client.

Technology is a powerful ally for effective time tracking. Implementing intuitive time-tracking software that integrates seamlessly into daily workflows can dramatically improve accuracy and reduce the burden of manual entry. Tools like those offered by Tabs3 are designed with the legal professional in mind, offering features that simplify the time-tracking process.

To improve timekeeping habits, start with a month. Commit to thirty days and make it a daily practice. Consistency is your friend.

2. Get tech to work for you

The integration of technology in law firm billing procedures is a transformational move. The right technology can automate repetitive tasks, reduce errors, and provide valuable insights into the billing process. For instance, the Tabs3 practice management software, PracticeMaster, has toolbar plug-ins for the programs you use every day, making timekeeping less of a chore.

Those who work on the go can also get mobile access with Tabs3 Connect. With Tabs3 Connect, time tracking, accessing client information, and managing billing tasks can be done effortlessly on smartphones or tablets. This mobile access not only enhances convenience but also ensures that billable time and expenses are captured promptly and accurately, reducing the risk of lost revenue due to forgotten or unrecorded activities.

Additionally, Tabs3 Cloud extends the capabilities of traditional billing software by offering the flexibility of cloud-based access. This means that all the functionalities of Tabs3’s billing software are available to users wherever they have an internet connection. This is particularly beneficial for firms with multiple locations or for those who have embraced a hybrid working model.

3. Make tasks easier with legal billing software

The choice of billing software can make a significant difference in how a law firm operates. Tabs3’s legal billing software is more than just a tool for tracking hours and expenses; it’s a comprehensive system that can transform the entire billing cycle. From capturing billable hours to generating detailed invoices, the right software can streamline every aspect of the billing process.

4. Pre-bill review as if it’s you

When you’re reviewing pre-bills, ask yourself, “Would I pay this bill?”

Pre-bill review is about more than simply glancing at an invoice before it’s sent out. It’s a critical quality control step that ensures accuracy, fairness, and transparency in billing. The process involves a detailed review of the billable items, ensuring they accurately reflect the work done and are communicated in a manner that is clear and understandable to the client. It’s an opportunity to catch and correct any inaccuracies, whether they are in time entries, expense allocations, or descriptive narratives.

The pre-bill review process should also be seen as a client service opportunity. It’s a chance to demonstrate to clients the value they are receiving for their legal spend. This requires that bills are not only accurate but also detailed enough to give clients a clear understanding of the services provided. Firms should train their attorneys and billing staff on the nuances of crafting billing narratives that are both informative and client-friendly. This involves using language that is clear and devoid of legal jargon, making it easier for clients to understand what they are being billed for. This transparency not only builds trust but also reduces the likelihood of disputes over charges.

5. Plan billing into your schedule

A systematic billing schedule is vital for maintaining financial discipline within a law firm. This involves setting and adhering to regular intervals for preparing and sending out invoices. Such a schedule ensures that billing does not become an afterthought or a task that is only addressed sporadically. It also helps in managing the firm’s cash flow more effectively, as regular invoicing leads to more consistent revenue streams.

The benefits of a regular billing schedule extend beyond just financial management. It also reflects a firm’s professionalism and commitment to service. Clients appreciate regular and predictable billing, as it allows them to manage their own finances more effectively. Moreover, prompt and consistent billing can often lead to quicker payment turnaround times, as clients become accustomed to the firm’s billing rhythm.

6. Streamline your cash flow with timely billing

Cash flow management is a critical aspect of running a successful law firm. Unlike profit and loss, which reflects the overall financial health of the firm, cash flow focuses on the movement of money in and out of the business. Regular billing is key to maintaining a healthy cash flow, as it ensures that the firm has a steady stream of income to cover its expenses.

Understanding the nuances of cash flow is essential for law firm leaders. This includes recognizing the difference between revenue and cash in hand. For example, a firm may show a profit on paper due to accrued billings, but if those billings are not collected promptly, it could face cash flow issues. This is why effective accounts receivable management is so crucial, as it directly impacts the firm’s liquidity.

To enhance cash flow management, law firms should adopt practices such as regular financial reviews, timely follow-up on overdue accounts, and maintaining a reserve fund to cover short-term expenses. These practices not only ensure financial stability but also provide a buffer against unforeseen challenges, such as delayed payments or unexpected expenses.

7. Stay on top of collections

Accounts receivable management is a vital component of law firm billing best practices. It involves not just sending out invoices but also actively managing the collection of payments. A robust accounts receivable strategy begins with clear communication of payment terms right from the outset. This includes detailing these terms in engagement letters and client agreements and setting clear expectations for payment timelines.

Monitoring accounts receivable is an ongoing task. Law firms should regularly review their accounts receivable reports to identify any overdue accounts and take prompt action to address them. The key is to be proactive rather than reactive in managing receivables.

If you don’t currently have one, develop a consistent accounts-receivable program that includes:

  • Details on how you want customers to pay
  • Terms of payment in engagement letters
  • Running monthly accounts receivable reports
  • Acting on past-due collections immediately

8. Keep good clients

Successful law firms understand the importance of identifying and nurturing relationships with their most valuable clients. This involves conducting regular analyses to determine which clients are the most profitable and which ones may actually be costing the firm money.

Developing a client-focused strategy is key. This could include personalized service plans, regular check-ins, or tailored legal solutions that cater to the specific needs of top clients. It’s about building a partnership rather than just a provider-client relationship, one where the firm becomes an integral part of the client’s success.

Equally important is addressing relationships that are less profitable. This doesn’t necessarily mean terminating these relationships but rather reevaluating and possibly restructuring them. Sometimes, less profitable relationships can be improved through better management or more efficient service delivery. Other times, it may involve honest discussions with clients about expectations, billing structures, or the scope of work.

9. Make it easy for clients to pay

In the digital age, convenience is key, especially when it comes to payments. Law firms should strive to make the payment process as straightforward and flexible as possible for their clients. This means offering a variety of payment options, such as credit card payments, online transfers, and electronic invoices. By diversifying payment methods, firms cater to the preferences of a wider range of clients, increasing the likelihood of timely payments.

Although some firms are still wary of credit cards, the traditional reason not to use them, credit card fees, is worth the expense in collection cases to get paid and be done with it. Additional concerns, such as trust accounting compliance, can now be addressed by using a legal-specific merchant like Tabs3Pay.

10. Automate when possible

Automation in billing procedures can bring significant efficiencies to a law firm. By automating repetitive tasks such as data entry, invoice generation, and payment tracking, firms can reduce the time and resources spent on administrative tasks. This allows attorneys and staff to focus more on client service and other high-value activities.

However, implementing automation requires a thoughtful approach. It starts with identifying the processes that are easiest to automate and the tools that best fit the firm’s needs. For instance, automating invoice generation can save hours of manual work, but it requires setting up templates and rules that accurately reflect the firm’s billing practices.

Moreover, while automation can greatly enhance efficiency, it should not be seen as a replacement for human oversight. Regular reviews and audits of automated processes ensure they are functioning as intended and allow firms to make adjustments as needed. Finding a balance between automation and human input is key to maintaining the quality and integrity of the billing process.

Optimize your firm’s billing process with Tabs3

Implementing these strategies in your law firm’s billing procedures can lead to significant improvements in efficiency, client satisfaction, and overall financial health. Tabs3 offers specialized solutions tailored to the unique needs of law firms, ensuring that your billing practices are not only efficient but also align with the best practices in the industry.

To see firsthand how Tabs3 can improve your billing process, schedule a demo or request a free trial today.

How to Find the Right Practice Management Software to Invest In

With so many options available on the market, finding practice management software that meets your law firm’s needs should be easy. However, navigating software choices and conflicting requests from your legal team can feel overwhelming.

We understand the importance of this decision; your choice can impact your daily work for years to come. Taking an organized approach to evaluating the options is critical. We have outlined a simple process to help you make the best decision for your team.

Five simple steps to find the practice management software that’s best for your firm

With a strategic, step-by-step approach, you can narrow down your options to the software that supports your team most effectively. This process may lead to a better understanding of your team’s daily functions and responsibilities, creating opportunities to boost productivity, increase profits, and connect with potential clients.

1. Evaluate stakeholders’ needs

Legal teams of every size include a variety of stakeholders with diverse needs. Finding a single solution that suits everyone can seem daunting.

Customizable billing and practice management options, such as Tabs3 Software, make it possible to create a bespoke solution that suits both individual workflows as well as the firm’s overall goals. To start, compile the requests into categories, such as “organized client communication” or “efficient calendaring.”

2. Translate those needs into features

Once you know each stakeholder’s needs, compare them with the features offered by practice management software, such as PracticeMaster.

Here are features that most firms can benefit from:

Integrated CRM

Engaging new clients is crucial for a growing law firm. They often start as leads that you nurture with multiple contact points prior to conversion. Utilizing a legal CRM tool can save you time and enhance profitability by automating tasks, reducing double entry, and providing personalized interactions based on needs and intake stage.

Set your firm up for growth by increasing your capacity to look forward and fill up your client pipeline. Tabs3 CRM simplifies the client intake process by tracking leads, growing prospects, and making it seamless to transition to client status. It offers automated marketing campaigns, customized intake forms, and drip email campaigns, making your first interactions feel personalized without requiring a great time investment.

Billing and invoicing

You need essential financial management, and your clients need ready access to their billing data. Your dashboards should give you at-a-glance access with easy-to-read graphs for monitoring billing, collections, and trust balances, as well as the ability to generate in-depth reports.

The Tabs3 client portal centralizes billing information and offers convenient online payments options, access to billing history, saved credit card information, and visibility of due balances. Your firm can enjoy faster payments, reduced collections time, minimized errors and write-offs, and secure transactions, and clients can conveniently make online payments using Tabs3Pay.

Matter management

Small to medium-sized law firms struggle with limited productivity due to having too many tabs open, metaphorically and literally. If your matter system is chaotic, your firm’s matters may be disorganized.

If you use multiple applications for emails, calendaring, and document management, consolidating management into a single software solution could help. Look for software that improves communication across your entire team with transparent electronic case files that make it simple to sort, track, and manage matters at every stage.

Trust and general accounting

With attorneys’ credentials on the line, trust accounting is stressful, even under the best circumstances. Software silos can make the payment records, legal documents, and banking information you need to conduct mandatory reports inaccessible.

Software that offers built-in general and trust accounting features make meeting the industry’s strict compliance regulations manageable. Security-focused software also simplifies trust accounting by providing an extra measure of protection against costly errors.

Document assembly and management

Document management is a core function of any firm. Whether you prefer automated or manual document creation, the right software can increase productivity by making document access effortless. Your software should leverage automation to auto-populate important documents and include customizable templates to make document assembly easy.

Secure file-sharing and eSignatures

Although some clients prefer the “official” feel of ink on paper, most welcome the opportunity to sign important documents online. Look for options that provide the choice to access and sign documents without sacrificing security, either through reputable integrations or built-in file-sharing.

Time tracking

Regardless of fee structure, time tracking is key for any successful law firm. Whether you’re looking for data to develop and maintain leaner practices or you simply need timekeeping for invoices, integrating time tracking into your software can increase billing accuracy and billable hours to accelerate your firm’s cash flow.

Project management tools

Project management software that’s intended to boost productivity could have the opposite effect when you don’t tailor it to fit your needs. Choose software that has built-in project management tools that allow staff to view and create tasks, appointments, court dates, and document submission deadlines.

3. Compare your list with popular practice management software

Once you’ve determined which features would best support your staff, start searching for them among the leading software options. Read online reviews and ask colleagues for recommendations. As you evaluate your choices, pay attention to the following factors.

Training and support for staff

A standard user manual isn’t enough. Choose a software provider that provides customized training programs that focus on the features your firm needs and will use the most.

Customer service

Don’t settle for less than industry-leading customer service from your provider. Look beyond promotional materials to testimonials that will provide an unfiltered view of the company’s business practices to determine whether clients are fully satisfied.


You and your software have a major responsibility to protect your firm’s and your clients’ sensitive information. Before making a choice, determine where and how you will store your firm’s data, and if you need to limit user access with granular permissions for extra protection.

Your budget

Before training your staff on a new system, it’s crucial to crunch the numbers to ensure you can afford your chosen software in the long term. Look for tiered pricing with the ability to adjust your cost to ensure you get the features you require.

4. Draft your shortlist and present to key stakeholders

Discuss your finalists with key team members, including attorneys, managing partners, bookkeepers, and paralegals. They may notice the advantages of one software versus another that you don’t.

5. Take advantage of a free trial or demo

Once you’ve settled on the option that you’d like to invest in, give it a test run to see if its performance lives up to your expectations. Reputable providers offer a guided demo or free trial to demonstrate how their practice management software would fit into your legal team’s daily workflows.

Schedule your demo of Tabs3 now

Tabs3 offers all of the features discussed above and more. If your firm is looking for a solution that you don’t see listed, feel free to reach out. If you’re considering a new practice management software, contact us to set up a demo today.

Why Personal Injury Firms Need Practice Management Software

As a practicing attorney, you strive to optimize billable hours, minimize compliance risks, and provide outstanding client service while staying competitive in the industry. Balancing these demands can be daunting, leaving you in need of a more efficient approach to managing your practice so that you can avoid overextending yourself.

You are not alone; more and more lawyers and law firms are turning to practice management software as a way to decrease the demands associated with running a law office. Today, 89% of law firms use some kind of practice management or case management software.

A survey by the Legaltech Association highlights the many benefits of these tools for law firms:

  • 75% say that using legal practice management software has increased efficiency
  • 70% say that it has improved client communication
  • 62% say that it has reduced administrative tasks

However, personal injury law firms are unique operations. They have numerous operational concerns that other law firms don’t have to deal with. Let’s look at what adopting practice management software means for personal injury attorneys.

What is legal practice management software?

Legal practice management software is a comprehensive, integrated solution designed to help law firms manage their daily operations more efficiently.

This software typically includes features to assist with critical tasks, like:

  • Case management
  • Document storage and organization
  • Time and expense tracking
  • Billing
  • Calendaring
  • Client communication
  • Task management

By centralizing these essential functions in one platform, practice management software enables law firms to streamline their processes, reduce their administrative burden, enhance collaboration, and ultimately provide better client service.

Four reasons why personal injury law firms need practice management software

As personal injury law firms tackle a diverse range of matters (and also bill for them in diverse ways), it’s essential for your team to have the right tools to manage all the work you do.

Your firm can leverage these four key benefits of legal practice management software to achieve greater success and client satisfaction.

1. Better communication improves client satisfaction and case outcomes

Personal injury matters can be time-sensitive, meaning that gathering evidence in an efficient manner is critical. Cloud-based legal practice management solutions allow attorneys and support staff members alike to access essential case details securely from any device connected online, be it desktop computers at work or smartphones while attending court hearings out of town.

By leveraging the remote capabilities offered by modern case management tools:

  • Clients can easily upload and share documents relevant to their case, such as medical bills or accident photos, via a secure client portal
  • Attorneys can collaborate with colleagues on legal documents or strategize for upcoming negotiations in real time
  • Firms can ensure all team members are up-to-date on the latest developments in each case, reducing communication gaps and increasing overall efficiency

Incorporating robust personal injury specific software into your law firm’s daily operations will not only streamline evidence gathering but also facilitate seamless collaboration between clients and colleagues. This ensures that your team is well-equipped to handle even the most complex cases effectively while also providing exceptional client service throughout every stage of litigation proceedings.

Automated appointment reminders via SMS or email

When personal injury law firms use a legal CRM alongside their practice management software, they can leverage automated appointment reminders through both SMS and email channels. These notifications help reduce no-shows by ensuring that all parties involved in a case are aware of upcoming deadlines or scheduled meetings.

2. Automated processes reduce errors

Personal injury firms need practice management software to consolidate all case-related information into a central repository, enabling attorneys to manage intake processes efficiently and track case progress in real-time. This helps them stay organized amidst multiple deadlines and provides easy access to critical client data when needed.

Workflow automation for evidence gathering

Practice management software assists personal injury lawyers in gathering evidence more effectively by recording it systematically within the application. This not only ensures that vital information remains secure, but also makes it readily accessible when needed, reducing human error while saving time during document preparation.

Custom workflows tailored specifically to different types of personal injury cases

In a personal injury law firm, cases can range from automobile accidents to medical malpractice. Each case type requires unique workflows and processes to efficiently collect and organize relevant documents.

With personal injury case management software, firms can create custom workflows tailored specifically to different types of personal injury cases, streamlining the process of collecting crucial evidence such as medical records, police reports, and witness statements. The software allows you to:

  • Create templates specific to various practice areas like slip-and-fall incidents or product liability claims
  • Easily track deadlines for filing motions or submitting discovery requests with built-in calendars
  • Maintain accurate records on potential clients through lead management features integrated into the software tools

In today’s competitive legal landscape, providing exceptional client service is essential to building a successful personal injury practice. By leveraging innovative tools like PracticeMaster, attorneys can stay connected with their clients while streamlining communication, ultimately leading to higher levels of satisfaction and improved case results.

3. Task management saves you time

In the fast-paced world of personal injury law, automating repetitive tasks can save legal professionals valuable time.

Practice management software like Tabs3 offers customizable forms and templates that streamline the process of gathering client information during intake or drafting standard documents such as demand letters or pleadings.

By reducing manual work, lawyers can focus on more strategic aspects of their cases while ensuring consistency across all documentation.

4. Enhanced billing efficiency means fewer errors and delays

The billing process, including invoicing and collections, can consume a significant portion of legal staff’s time and energy. Tabs3 Billing offers a solution to expedite the billing process, allowing your law firm to generate invoices promptly and receive payments more swiftly.

Utilizing practice management software, your law firm can enhance billing and invoicing efficiency by:

  • Accurately logging time and converting billable hours into fees on your client’s upcoming invoice
  • Adapting to different client fee structures, such as split fee, contingency, retainer, or task-based (LEDES) billing, to accommodate various billing preferences
  • Facilitating credit card and online transactions for quicker payment processing, while also providing a more user-friendly payment alternative for clients
  • Securely distributing invoices via email, either individually or in bulk, to streamline invoicing
  • Generating preliminary statements for internal review and monitoring their progress to ensure accuracy

Safeguard sensitive client data with enhanced security features

Tabs3 employs advanced security features such as data encryption, IP address restrictions, and bank-level security on transactions to protect sensitive client data in personal injury cases. These measures not only safeguard confidential information but also reinforce trust in legal services and adherence to industry best practices.

Make your personal injury practice more efficient with Tabs3 Software

Experience the powerful advantages Tabs3 can bring in streamlining operations, fostering seamless communication, and driving exceptional case outcomes. Embrace the future of legal practice with confidence and expertise. Schedule a demo to explore the transformative potential of practice management software today.

Why Intellectual Property Firms Need Practice Management Software

Intellectual property law is a field for meticulous people. Your clients depend on you to catch every last detail and potential risk for their intellectual property. From patents and supporting documents to deadlines and prosecution, IP law firms keep track of a lot of moving parts.

But even the most organized law firm can drop the ball sometimes if they don’t use the right tools for their practice.

Your supporting tools and systems are essential to achieving peak performance, and those tools look different for every field. For intellectual property law, practice management software is one of the main tools of the trade.

Legal practice management software is the organizational powerhouse that helps IP law firms thrive and check off every single detail to protect their clients’ hard work.

What is legal practice management software?

Practice management software in general is simply software designed to help any business operate more efficiently. These programs can range from all-in-one solutions to customized packages.

Practice management software often features:

  • Workflow and task management
  • Calendaring
  • Contact management
  • Client relationship management (CRM) tools
  • Detailed reporting and data analytics
  • Time and expense tracking
  • Billing and invoicing
  • Integrations with other systems for easier use

It’s important to keep in mind, though, that general practice management software is designed to accommodate any type of business. This means that industry-agnostic software can require a lot of customization for law firms, who will have to put in extra work to build a system that suits their unique needs.

On the other hand, legal practice management software is designed with attorneys in mind.

This enables law firms to take advantage of the software’s functionalities to improve their operations almost immediately. For example, instead of spending hours trying to get your generic CRM to support your firm’s case matter management program, you can use legal practice management software with a built-in legal CRM to keep everything you need all in one place (and minimize duplicate or incorrect client information).

This means that law firms are positioned to see a much faster ROI from the outset. But don’t just take our word for it. Here are four ways IP firms can use legal practice management software to improve their practice.

1.  Automated workflows prevent issues before they start

Intellectual property law demands meticulous attention to deadlines, forms, and documentation. Even the smallest missed deadline can have significant ramifications for your client’s ability to safeguard their creations.

Legal practice management systems help you keep track of all the moving parts with automated workflows, so your team never misses a beat.

Document management

Build customizable templates to assemble documents faster, with fewer errors. Once you’ve built your templates, such as standard IP documents or service agreements, you can assemble these documents with automated client data population in the blink of an eye. Because the software pulls client information directly from the system, it reduces the risk of clerical errors that could cost you precious time.

Attorney-friendly calendaring

The best practice management programs include advanced calendar functions, such as the ability to schedule a series of events from one kick-off date. It can also alert users of a double booking and allow staff to review all upcoming events related to a specific matter or client.

Simple conflict of interest checks

Built-in conflict of interest searches let attorneys instantly review potential conflicts of interest between your firm and prospective clients. The software uses phrase matching, phonetic checks, and other features to uncover any issues. This means no more digging through endless spreadsheets or mountains of old files to cross-reference client information.

2.  Task management automations save time

Task management automations help intellectual property attorneys save time and accomplish repetitive tasks more efficiently. After you set up the workflows that work for your team, the program can trigger tasks or send reminders following specific actions.

In addition to document assembly automation, your software can take care of tasks like:

  • Starting emails
  • Running reports
  • Adding appointments to your calendar
  • Launching other software features
  • Launching other programs like Outlook, Excel, and Acrobat

These tasks may not seem overly time-consuming when they occur, but the minutes you spend on them each day can add up to more than 40 hours in a year. That’s more time every day that you can use for higher-value tasks and focusing on the big picture.

3.  Easier client communications builds more productive partnerships

Whether you’re simply reviewing a patent or filing litigation, communications are at the heart of your client experience. Without consistent, effective communication with your clients, firms are much more likely to miss details that could make or break a contentious IP filing. Regardless, a firm’s communication practices are essential to providing the strong client experience that allows firms to build a list of long-term, ideal clients.

Legal practice management software helps intellectual property law firms maintain personalized communications on both urgent and ongoing matters, so your clients feel valued and confident of your dedication (even when you’re knee-deep in casework).

Legal CRMs

Client relationship management (CRM) tools are designed to help law firms communicate with clients more efficiently about the client intake process, scheduling, appointments, deadlines, and updates to your law firm. From first contact, legal CRM can help you provide immediate responses via text and email communications, automated drip campaigns, and logic-based intake forms that help you identify leads.

While some CRM systems are separate from practice management software, CRM that is compatible with your legal practice management software provides a seamless integration, which equates to even more time saved.

Email integration

If your team struggles to sift through endless email threads or maintain consistent client communication, practice management tools can help you keep up and stay organized, starting with your inbox.

For example, PracticeMaster’s built-in email tools sync with Outlook, which means that legal staff can add client communications to each corresponding matter. By simplifying the centralization of information for case matters, all team members can stay up-to-date on client communications.

Secure file sharing and eSignatures

IP law practices work with sensitive client information and developing patents under deadline. Secure file-sharing and eSignature features enable teams to securely send information, request documents, and obtain signatures as quickly as possible. With these features, firms can save time, turn around documents faster, and bring their clients peace of mind.

Streamline your practice with Tabs3 Software’s suite of legal practice management tools

Tabs3 Software is designed to help intellectual property law firms operate more efficiently and effectively to benefit lawyers and their clients.

See for yourself why tens of thousands of legal professionals trust Tabs3 with their business when you schedule a demo today.

Why Business Law Firms Need Practice Management Software

For your business law clients, what’s the most important thing you do? The answer is probably that your services help their business maintain a strong legal foundation and resolve any disputes and conflicts efficiently and with as little stress as possible. But what helps your practice increase its efficiency and decrease the stress of running a law firm? To provide effective guidance and support for your clients, you can’t rely on your legal knowledge and experience alone. As a business, your practice needs legal practice management software so you can maximize billable hours, reduce compliance risks, and deliver excellent client service—the kind that keeps referrals coming in.

What is legal practice management software?

Legal practice management software is designed to support business operations. The tools available through practice management software can streamline many areas of your work, including:

  • Workflow and task management
  • Time and expense tracking
  • Contact management
  • Calendaring
  • Billing and invoicing
  • Robust reporting and data analytics

Depending on the needs of your practice, you may benefit from either a convenient all-in-one solution or one that allows you to customize your software with the features that are most important to your firm.

Why choose legal practice management software?

Unlike industry-agnostic software solutions, legal practice management software is designed specifically for law firms and tailored to their workflows and compliance needs. For example, a general email management tool might allow you to manage your contacts, but with a law firm-specific software, you can benefit from built-in conflict of interest checks. Another important example is law firm trust accounting: if one of your business clients relies on trust accounting, your team could spend hours trying to build usable trust accounting workflows with a generic accounting system. But with legal-specific software, your firm can use built-in trust accounting software for three-way reconciliation and robust reporting. Features like this help protect your firm from compliance violations at many levels while also improving workflows at every stage of matter lifecycles.

Four reasons why business law firms need practice management software

Because business law firms have their hands in widely disparate matters, it’s critical that your team has the tools it needs to stay on top of billable and non-billable tasks alike. Position your firm for success by taking advantage of these four benefits of legal practice management software.

1.   Improved client communication keeps everyone on the same page

Whether you’re simply reviewing a contract for a client or litigating a merger gone south, communications are at the heart of your client’s experience. Even if you are able to achieve your client’s goals in the end, poor client communication throughout the process can lead to fewer new clients, fewer repeat clients, and a less-than-stellar reputation. Legal practice management software helps law firms maintain positive, personalized communications on both urgent and ongoing matters, so your clients feel valued and taken care of at all times.

Legal CRMs

A client relationship management (CRM) tool is a fantastic way to communicate with clients about the client intake process, scheduling, appointments, deadlines, and updates to your law firm. From first contact, a legal CRM can help you provide immediate responses via text and email communications, automated drip campaigns, and logic-based intake forms that help you identify leads.

Email integration

Practice management tools can help you keep up with the fast pace of business law. If your team struggles to sift through endless email threads or maintain consistent client communication, email integration will allow you to get organized. PracticeMaster’s built-in email tools sync with Outlook, which means that team members can add client communications to their corresponding matter. With this integration, all legal staff can be apprised of any client communications so that nothing slips through the cracks.

2.   Automated workflows reduce errors

Business law requires meticulous attention to deadlines, forms, and documentation. The smallest missed deadline can have significant compliance or liability consequences for your clients. Legal practice management systems provide many ways to streamline processes and help you stay on track, so you never miss a beat (or a deadline). Here are some examples.

  • Document management allows you to build customizable templates, so you can assemble documents at lightning speed with automated client data population.
  • Attorney-friendly calendars include advanced calendar functions, such as the ability to schedule a series of events from one kick-off date, alert users of a double-booking, and review all upcoming events related to a specific matter or client.
  • Advanced conflict of interest checks with quick searches let attorneys instantly see conflicts of interest between potential clients and your firm through phrase matching, phonetic checks, and other features. No more digging through piles of paperwork or endless spreadsheets to cross-reference client information.

3.   Task management automations save time

Even the most organized legal professional can save time with the automations available in practice management software. Instead of slogging through repetitive tasks, practice management software gives you workflow functionality to trigger tasks or send reminders following specific actions. With these automations, your software can take care of tasks like:

  • Starting emails
  • Adding appointments to your calendar
  • Assembling documents
  • Running reports
  • Launching other software features

These tasks may not seem overly time-consuming in the moment, but the minutes you spend on them each day can really add up over time.

4.   More efficient billing benefits your firm and your clients

Billing, invoicing, and collections can take up an inordinate amount of time for legal staff. The good news is that practice management software can help your law firm get bills out quickly and get paid even faster. Your software should streamline billing and invoicing by helping you:

  • Track time and turn billable hours into fees on your client’s next statement
  • Bill clients based on their fee structure (i.e. split fee, contingency, retainer, or task-based billing)
  • Process credit card and online payments for faster payment processing (and a more convenient payment option for clients)
  • Securely email invoices in large batches or one at a time
  • Print draft statements and track which ones are under internal review

Get down to business with Tabs3 Software’s suite of legal practice management tools

Tabs3 Software is designed to help business law firms streamline their operations so they can focus on client matters. See for yourself why tens of thousands of legal professionals trust Tabs3 with their business when you schedule a demo with us today.

Why Criminal Law Firms Need Practice Management Software

Practicing criminal law can be a high-stakes endeavor, and we’re not just talking about client matters. Criminal law practices face unique challenges in managing and growing their practice, from navigating a competitive marketplace to working with difficult clients who may require payment plans.

As an attorney, it makes sense that your business practices and needs can sometimes take a back seat to immediate client needs. But in the long run, an inefficient practice management system will only lead to more problems for you and your clients.

This state of stress and disorganization doesn’t have to be the default for your firm. Effective practice management software can help improve operations, increase profitability, and reduce stress, all while providing better support and representation for clients.

What is legal practice management software?

Practice management software is designed to help businesses operate more efficiently and effectively. Features can range from all-in-one solutions to customizable packages.

Practice management software typically includes:

  • Contact management
  • Time and expense tracking
  • Billing and invoicing
  • Calendaring
  • Workflow and task management
  • Detailed reporting and data analytics

Because legal practice management software is designed with attorneys in mind, law firms can quickly take advantage of the software’s functionalities to improve their operations. For example, instead of spending hours trying to get your generic accounting software to support your trust accounting workflows, you can implement built-in trust accounting software to ensure your law firm doesn’t miss a beat (or a three-way reconciliation deadline).

This means that from the outset, law firms are positioned to see a much faster ROI.

Three reasons criminal law firms need practice management software

Criminal law practices work on matters that are often time-sensitive. For such impactful work, it’s imperative that legal staff have as much time as possible to focus on their clients’ needs, without letting anything slip through the cracks.

When it comes to client intake, matter organization, and payment processes, practice management software can streamline your operations with results that benefit all parties.

1.  Improved client communications build strong relationships

Clients come to you for support and guidance in stressful situations. Firms that achieve clear and consistent communication will attract and convert more qualified leads and are better positioned to build long-term positive relationships that can result in opportunities even after a case is completed.

Legal client relationship management

Criminal law is a competitive practice area. You only have one chance to make a good first impression, and that starts with responsive communication.

A legal client relationship management (CRM) tool works with practice management software to provide a number of benefits to law firms:

  • Find quality leads: with logic based intake forms, criminal law practices can reduce the time it takes to sort through interested parties to find qualified leads for your practice
  • Quick, tailored responses: with built-in triggers, a legal CRM can provide appropriate and immediate follow-ups to qualified leads, such as scheduling a consultation and other next steps
  • Automated drip campaigns: increase touchpoints with prospective clients with email and text campaigns that can remind clients of upcoming appointments and deadlines, as well as other relevant calls to action
  • Contact management: eliminate manual and redundant data entry with an integrated CRM that automatically syncs with your practice management software

Simplify email management

Client relationship best practices begin with effective communication, and email plays an important role in that. As such, your email organization should help you work better with clients. For example, PracticeMaster’s email management system syncs with Outlook so staff can add client emails to their respective matter. With this feature, your team can work with a consolidated list of client communications so that everyone has access to all pertinent information.

2.  Secure and organized matter management achieves better results for your clients

Whether you’re helping a client fight a DUI or navigate a fraud charge, you can’t afford to overlook filing deadlines or misplace evidence. Practice management software, however, can help you better manage your time, schedules, and matters.

Efficient task management

You shouldn’t have to rebuild the proverbial wheel over and over again for repetitive tasks.

Practice management software provides workflows for task automation, including:

  • Document assembly
  • Running custom reports
  • Starting emails
  • Adding appointments
  • Launching other software programs

These automated tasks reduce human error and save users time every single day, improving productivity and efficiency for criminal law firms.

Integrated calendar management

Instead of using an industry-agnostic calendar, consider powering your law firm with built-in calendars that help you track matter schedules.

Integrated calendar systems sync with your email and include:

  • Applying jurisdiction-specific criteria to reminders and due dates
  • Recurring reminders for regular meetings
  • Customizable security settings that determine which employees can see appointments for certain attorneys or clients

These features maximize your time so you can spend your energy on your matters and strategic business priorities.

Secure file sharing and eSignatures

Criminal law practices often operate with tight turnarounds and firm deadlines. Secure file-sharing and eSignature features enable teams to request documents, get signatures, and securely send information as quickly as possible by eliminating the need to print, mail, and return documents.

3.  Streamlined payment processes

Criminal law firms may need to employ a variety of fee arrangements to provide the right payment solutions for their clients.

Whether your clients prefer trust accounts, flat fee arrangements, retainers, or contingency, you can use your practice management software to support flexible billing options. Firms can use an attorney’s standard rate, bill by timekeeper level (associate, partner, etc), or add custom rates for any client.

In addition to the flexibility to create a billing structure that works for each client, your practice management software can help you:

  • Accept online payments by optionally including a payment link within an emailed bill for faster payment
  • Schedule future and recurring payments
  • Track which draft statements are still under internal review
  • Quickly edit and update transactions on bills to ensure statement accuracy

Build a stronger practice with Tabs3 Software’s comprehensive legal practice management tools

Top criminal law firms use Tabs3 Software to run a more efficient and profitable practice. Tabs3 is built to meet the unique needs of your practice, so you can spend more time working on the needs of your clients.

Schedule a demo with us and see why Tabs3 Software has been a leading choice that tens of thousands of legal professionals rely on every day.

Why Estate Planning Law Firms Need Practice Management Software

As an estate planning practice, you work with clients on emotional subjects: deciding what their legacy will be, mapping out their long-term care needs, and ensuring that their loved ones are provided for. Not only are you helping to plan for potentially difficult experiences for them and their loved ones, but the work itself also requires detailed and extensive documentation.

As an attorney, your goal is to help your clients solve their problems and prevent friction on often-contentious subjects, not to add further confusion with poor communication or less-than-perfect documentation. You can do this by supporting your clients with the right tools in place to streamline communications and accounting.

The best place to start? A practice management system built for you.

What is legal practice management software?

Legal practice management software is software designed specifically for law firms to help manage their practices more efficiently. Practice management software can range from comprehensive, all-in-one solutions to highly customized packages tailored to a law firm’s specific needs.

Practice management software performs a number of different functions, including:

  • Contact management
  • Task and workflow management
  • Calendaring
  • Time and expense tracking
  • Reporting and analytics

Legal practice management software may also offer trust accounting, billing, payments, and client relationship management features. These features tie into the basic practice management functionalities, ensuring that information is accurate and easily accessible no matter how you’re putting it to use.

Three reasons estate planning law firms need practice management software

Estate planning law can be complex, but the right tools can make it simpler for both you and your clients. Put your practice management to use for your law firm in these three ways.

1.   Improve your client experience with better communication

Client communications are a critical component of estate planning law practices. It is at the heart of a client’s experience and can make the difference between a positive and negative experience with your firm. With this in mind, estate planning law firms need communication practices that simplify complex legal matters and bolster client confidence in your firm.

Legal client relationship management

A strong first impression is vital to converting leads into clients. One of the best ways to make a strong first impression? Being responsive with your communication.

A legal client relationship management (CRM) tool can make it easier to stay in touch with your clients from the moment they reach out with features like text and email communication, automated drip campaigns, and logic-based intake forms that help you qualify leads.

Email management

A solid email strategy helps build long-term relationships with clients. It allows you to educate them on topics related to their needs, build rapport, and remind them of upcoming deadlines and appointments.

That said, it can be difficult to stay on top of consistent communication for all clients without the tools to back it up.

Practice management software is a great way to simplify email management and keep everyone on the same page. For example, PracticeMaster’s built-in email management software syncs with Outlook and allows you to add client emails to their corresponding matter. With this feature, you don’t have to go digging through hundreds of email threads to find where your last conversation left off or forward email after email to colleagues.

2.   Automate tasks to save time

Estate planning requires meticulous organization and record-keeping to ensure your client’s needs and wishes are followed correctly. If one task slips through the cracks, it can create a host of problems for both you and your clients. However, practice management functionalities can make it easier to stay organized without losing billable hours to project management work.

Secure file-sharing and eSignature

Secure file-sharing and eSignature tools remove the need to print, mail, and return documents, saving you and your clients valuable time. Clients can also sign a contract or upload documents from their smartphones. This tool provides added convenience for your clients, increasing the likelihood that they will return documents in a timely manner.

Besides being user-friendly, file-sharing and eSignature tools also provide a high degree of security compared to paper documents. With bank-level security for sensitive client data, your clients will feel safe sharing their data, and you can rest assured that you’ll be protected from compliance risks.

Document automation

Organization is vital to an effective estate planning practice, but ongoing document tracking and assembly can be a tedious and time-consuming task. When you use robust practice management software like PracticeMaster, it’s easier for legal teams to automate document assembly, importing, and sharing. PracticeMaster offers features like:

  • Document assembly: pull client information to fill forms and contracts with document assembly features, shaving hours off of traditionally tedious document assembly tasks.
  • Import documents: import documents and data. System plug-ins enable integration across Word, Excel®, Windows, Adobe® Acrobat, and more.
  • Built-in document management: track document changes, including which staff member made them. Firms can also link to documents and clients in their communications to keep everyone on the same page.

3.   Utilize accounting software that caters to your fee structure

Robust accounting features in practice management software can cater to different fee structures and simplify billing for all parties.

Estate planning law firms in particular utilize a variety of fee arrangements to provide convenient solutions for clients. Some clients may rely on ongoing service agreements and trust accounts to secure services, while others may benefit from flat fee arrangements for more straightforward needs, such as drafting a last will and testament.

Tabs3 Billing gives you virtually unlimited billing rate flexibility. Use attorneys’ standard rate, bill by timekeeper level (partner, associate, etc.), or create custom rates for any timekeeper for any client. You can also use contingency, split fee, flat fee, retainer, progress, and electronic task-based billing when needed.

In addition to the features you need to create flexible billing structures, practice management software can also help you send your bills and accept payments faster, providing your firm with the tools needed to improve your cash flow. With Tabs3 Billing, your firm can:

  • Accept credit cards and online payments, and include a credit card remittance form on a bill for faster payment with Tabs3Pay
  • Print statements and email them as PDFs, one at a time or in large batches
  • Print draft statements and track which ones are still under internal review
  • Easily edit and update transactions on any bill to ensure accuracy for your clients

Do your best work with Tabs3 Software’s full suite of legal practice management tools

Tabs3 Software is the ideal legal practice management software for estate planning law firms because it provides the tools you need to run an efficient and profitable practice. Tabs3’s powerful features can be customized to meet the precise needs of your firm, so you can spend more time focusing on the needs of your clients.

See for yourself why Tabs3 Software has been trusted by law firms for decades, and schedule a walkthrough demo with us today.

6 Ways to Improve Your Firm
Trust accounts are a requirement for most law firms and are both incredibly common and issue-prone for any law firm’s accounting practice. These accounts allow you to keep client funds given in trust, which can include retainers, court fees, or advanced costs.

One of the biggest challenges trust funds pose, though, is that they have very specific parameters. Law firms must be diligent in how they interact with and manage each trust account. There is a myriad of regulations and compliance requirements for trust accounts, and firms often find themselves with a clunky, inefficient, and frustrating trust accounting system.

It doesn’t have to be this way, though. There are numerous strategies to help your firm improve and streamline its trust accounting process, so everyone can breathe a bit easier.

Here are six ways to improve your firm’s trust accounting today:

1.  Review your state’s requirements for trust accounting

Each state bar has rules and guidelines for trust accounting. Take some time to review your own state’s trust account requirements against your practices to find out if your law firm is doing what the state requires. This step is critical to lowering risk and liability for your firm. Any law practice found to mismanage trust accounts is at risk of disbarment, as well as legal action from your clients.

While trust account policies vary state by state, there are some commonalities. For example, every state bar association requires monthly or quarterly reconciliation for trust accounts. Many firms fulfill this requirement through three-way reconciliation, which compares your client ledgers, trust ledgers, and trust bank statements. The required reconciliation frequency will dictate your accounting schedule.

2.  Keep trust funds separate from operating funds

Here is the golden rule of trust accounting: do not commingle your firm’s business and client accounts.

The American Bar Association requires that law firms keep any trust accounts separate from other client or corporate accounts. The money in a trust account is a form of prepayment for services rendered, but those funds still belong to your clients until you fulfill the payment terms. As such, funds in a trust account should not be reported as income.

Once your firm has completed your service agreement, any remaining funds in the trust account will be returned to the client. If there is any dispute about trust accounts, the state bar may require you to hold a certain amount of funds in your account until the issue is resolved.

3.  Communicate your billing practices to clients clearly

Your clients come to you to protect their assets and interests. Transparent policies and clear communication support good long-term relationships with your clients and can assuage any confusion or misconceptions regarding trust accounting practices.

When you first start working with a client, prepare a list of frequently asked questions and billing procedures such as:

  • Your firm’s billing practices, fees, and timeline
  • How trust accounts work
  • Why clients and law firms use trust accounts
  • How trust accounts are secured at your firm, and the various protections in place for client funds

This is a great opportunity to educate clients, which will benefit your ongoing partnership in the long run. By providing user-friendly explanations of your billing practices and trust accounts to clients, all parties are on the same page about the processes in question. This establishes a foundation of trust for everyone.

4.  Set up clear workflows and procedures for handling trust account funds

Practices for trust accounts need to be monitored for compliance purposes. Set clear workflows for handling trust accounts, such as when to withdraw funds and when to replenish retainers.

For example, it’s important to have proper agreements in place for the disbursement of trust funds. Without one, you could set up improper workflows. In turn, this could lead to you inadvertently withdrawing funds too early, causing you to breach your state bar’s regulations.

Trust accounting software can act as a safeguard against risky workflows. It can help law firms set up and track ongoing procedures and workflows for trust accounts. What’s more, it provides advanced reporting and easy-to-use dashboards that offer a bird’s eye view of your firm’s trust accounts.

5.  Set up your trust accounting on a regular schedule

With so many moving parts, a regular trust accounting schedule will create a manageable system that your practice can follow throughout the year. Regularly scheduled reports and procedures ensure that your firm stays on top of any compliance regulations, no matter how busy your practice becomes.

For example, three-way reconciliations are required every month or quarter, depending on your state. Instead of running reconciliations ad-hoc whenever you remember to do so, firms can set up a regular schedule to review reports and run three-way reconciliations.

When you put a repeatable system in place, your firm can reduce the stress that may arise from last-minute accounting requirements. To further automate your trust accounting, consider using legal-specific trust accounting software for regular reporting and billing statements.

6.  Use legal-specific tools that support workflows necessary for compliance

Manual reporting and tracking for trust accounts is an burdensome process for law firms that can take up too much time or fall victim to human error.

Accounting software tailored to legal practices can help law firms streamline their workflows and integrate their trust accounting practices into their law firm’s general accounting system. With the Tabs3 Trust Accounting Software, firms can:

  • Track an unlimited number of trust accounts
  • Execute three-way reconciliation for trust accounts
  • Manage trust accounts from one system
  • View dashboard summaries of account activity
  • Engage in Positive Pay programs for your bank’s fraud prevention program

These system features take the guesswork out of trust accounts, so law firms can manage their clients’ funds easily and accurately.

Improve your trust accounting system with Tabs3 Software

Tabs3 Software offers a fully integrated suite of billing, accounting, and practice management tools designed to help law firms run more efficiently and profitably.

To see how Tabs3 Trust Accounting can help your law firm implement better billing and accounting practices, schedule a walkthrough demo or sign up for a free trial today.